indigenous health

Indigenous Health

Goondir Health Services

Click here to view the recordings of the event

Go Rural Virtually delivered a unique insight into what it’s like to work in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service. As a health service that invites community ownership and participation, the health professionals from Goondir Health Services, based in St George, Dalby and Oakey, added their own perspectives and experience.

Guest speakers:

  • Floyd Leedie - CEO Goondir Health Services

  • Kelvin Duiker – Clinic Manager and Aboriginal Health Worker, Goondir St George

  • Katrina Johnston – Clinic Manager and Aboriginal Health Worker, Goondir Oakey

  • Marsha Dodd – Clinic Manager and Aboriginal Health Worker, Goondir Dalby

  • Dr Gary Wood – GP, Goondir St George

  • Dr Hnin Wynn – GP, Goondir St George

  • John Dennehy – Exercise Physiologist, Goondir, Dalby

  • Lyndalee Wilkie - Smoking CessationSpecialist and Maternal and Child HealthNurse, Dalby

  • Eddie – Dental student on placement, St George

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