(07) 3105 7800
Turrbal and Jagera Country
Level 4, 348 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
(07) 3105 7800
Turrbal and Jagera Country
Level 4, 348 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Do you have a rural placement coming up? Or are you considering a rural placement but have some reservations? Then this recording of Go Rural Virtually is for you!
Hear about placement expectations from the perspective of both students and placement supervisors.
Discover more about:
What you can gain from going on a rural placement.
How to best prepare for your placement.
What expectations your supervisor will have over the course of your placement.
Breakout rooms feature advice from:
Student placement coordinators;
Student placement supervisors; and
Students who have completed rural placements.
Key discussion points in the event included:
Placements improve your scope of practice and can give you access to multiple health care environments, including outreach and aged care.
Opportunities to take up local employment within the community whilst on placement.
Understanding how supportive communities and health professionals are toward students.
Being an active participant in patient health care, from history taking to suturing.
A considered discussion regarding the importance of observing cultural safety when working with Indigenous patients.
The advantages of taking an inter-professional collaborative approach to health in a rural setting.
Guest speakers:
Maree Nichols – Student Placement Coordinator, Murtupuni Centre for Rural & Remote Health
Cherilyn Bickers – Clinical Placement Coordinator, SQRH
Madeline Greenhill – Clinical Educator, Occupational Therapy, SQRH
Christie-Anne Hunter – Nursing Unit Manager, SQRH
Kirsten Middleton – Allied Health Educator, SQRH
Sandra Bettles – DON/Nurse Practitioner, Burketown Health Centre
Loxlee Blacket – Exercise Physiologist, St George
Dr Justin Titmarsh – GP obstetrician/Rural Generalist, Mackay
Dr Tiffany Cover – GP Registrar, Central West Hospital and Health Service
Health Students with rural placement experience