(07) 3105 7800
Turrbal and Jagera Country
Level 4, 348 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
(07) 3105 7800
Turrbal and Jagera Country
Level 4, 348 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Hundreds of rural doctors and their families attended the Rural Doctors Association of Queensland (RDAQ) annual conference, held at the RACV Royal Pines Resort on the Gold Coast in June. Another excellent event connecting rural doctors, leaders in rural health and medical students from across Queensland.
We are proud to again support the RDAQ conference as conference partner. Our Chair, Dr Ross Maxwell and CEO, Chris Mitchell addressed the rural doctors at the health workforce forum. On the day we released the 2020 Minimum Data Set which reports on primary care workforce in Queensland. It is also available on our website
We had several staff attend the conference as delegates, and had a trade stand in the exhibition hall. We were on hand to delegates with information on the Health Workforce Scholarship Program and how this could assist them in attending workshops, training and conferences in the future, and also discussed ways we can help to attract and retain a workforce in remote and rural areas where there is an identified gap.
We are extremely delighted by the professionalism of our Training and Events Team, in the way they expertly delivered another great event for RDAQ. We look forward to seeing everyone next year in Gladstone.