Round 2 of the Health Workforce Scholarship Program Now Open!

20 June 2022

Hwsp Round 2 Blog

​​Health Workforce Queensland supports health professionals working in remote or rural Queensland in a number of ways, including funding to attend face to face workshops, conferences and training opportunities as well as online education courses and conferences.

Apply now for funding of up to $10,000 through the Health Workforce Scholarship to help cover the costs of upskilling or study costs.

The HWSP is available to qualified medical, nursing, midwifery, allied health, dental and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals providing primary health care in rural and remote Queensland in private practice, a non-government or not-for-profit organisation within a MMM 3-7 location, or an Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS), Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHO) in a MMM 1-7 location.

The funding is there to cover the cost of training or course fees, including workshops and conferences and even postgraduate qualifications.

We have a total of five rounds where eligible health professionals can apply for funding support for clinical upskilling, don’t miss out on applying now!

The Applicant Guidelines have been amended for the program, therefore, we strongly encourage you to read through them to familiarise yourself with the new eligibility criteria and approval process.

Application Period

Opens: 20/06/2022 - 3/07/2022 (for courses starting on or before 30/09/2022).

Outcome will be issued by 29/07/2022